1. Delete disks restored from the "Restore disks" option. Easily identified by having no owner in the "Disks" services dashboard.

	2. Delete VMs restored using the "Create new virtual machine"

	3. Stop all backup instances: go to Bacup center \ Backup instances, and for each row, right-click it, select "Stop Backup"
	   (a) Choose "Delete backup data" from the "Stop backup level" drop-down list
	   (b) Type or copy-paste name of the backup instance into the filed labeled "Type the name of the backup item"
	   (c) Select a reason. Comment is optional
	   (d) Click "Stop backup" button

	4. Disable soft delete (see section "Disabling soft delete using Azure portal" in
	   (a) Go to "Backup center", select "Vaults" from "Manage" section of the left pane.
	   (b) Select the vault you made, then in the "Settings" section of the left pane, select "Properties"
	   (c) Click the "Update" link under the "Security Settings", then click "Disable" switch-button for "Soft Delete (For workloads running in Azure).
	   (d) Click "Save"

	5. "Permanently deleting soft deleted backup items":
	   (a) As per link in step 4, go to Backup center \ Vaults \  and [in the left pane] click on "Backup items" under the "Protected Items" section.
	   (b) Go to the relevant "BACKUP MANAGEMENT TYPE" (e.g. Azure Virtual Machine)
	   (c) Use the far-right elipsis (3 dots) to select the soft-deleted item (has a red-white restricted icon next to its name): select "Undelete" - twice.
	   (d) Once the restricted icon is gone, use the elipsis again, but choose "Delete backup data" for permanent data removal.
	   (e) Provide name of backup item, reason (for deleting), and - optionally - a comment; click "Delete".
	   (e) Click "Refresh" and ensure the "No items found for the selected filter values" message appears.

	6. Delete the vault:
	   (a) Go to "Backup center" \ "Vaults" \  and click "Delete"
	   (b) Ensure "Delete manually" is selected (the default), check the "I confirm..." checkbox after all steps above it are completed, then click "Yes".

	7. Clean-up (delete items in) the resource group created Backups, then delete the resource group itself.
	   Note: items may include network interface, public ip address, storage account, and maybe a disk.
		Order of deletion (in my specific case): network interface, public ip address, storage account\containers\ and "$logs" (both are containers),
		storage account, disk, and finally, the resource group.