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Task ID Category Description Status & Notes
0001 Deployment Create EC2 instance (an AWS VM), then create an image from it. Installed Acrobat, Chrome, Firefox, IIS, N++, WS Backup, Users (admin, standard)
0002 Deployment Deploy EC2 instance from the image. Completed
0003 Backup/Restore Backup a EC2 instance on-demand, make changes (remove software, add user), then backup again Completed
0004 Backup/Restore Restore the EC2 instance to the first, then second recovery points: does it work? Completed: It works; but a separate EC2 instance is created for each restore!
0005 Backup/Restore Delete the Backups manually (also delete un-used/"Available" volumes: min storage $) Completed
0006 Snapshots Snapshot an EC2 instance (S) x3, do changes (C) x2: order-of-actions = S-C-S-C-S Completed
0007 Snapshots Revert/recover to snapshot1: does it work? Completed: effective, but cumbersome
0008 Snapshots Revert/recover to snapshot2: does it work? Completed: yes
0009 Snapshots Revert/recover to snapshot3: does it work? Completed: yes
0010 Snapshots Revert/recover to original volumes again: does it work? Completed: yes
0011 Snapshots Delete volumes created from snapshots, then delete the snapshots (min storage $) Completed
0012 Storage Create a volume of 20GB (type of gp2) Completed
0013 Storage Attach the volume to the VM, as the D: drive Completed
0014 Storage Increase volume size of the D: drive on the EC2 instance Completed
0015 Storage Detach (reference 1, reference 2) and re-attach D: volume while the host is running Completed
0016 Networking Create 3 public subnets in different availability zones Completed: pub subnets have route to Inet via Internet gateway
0017 Networking Create 3 private subnets in different availability zones Completed: routing-tables of private subnets have no route to Internet; supernet = local
0018 Networking Deploy EC2 instance from custom AMI image, no public IP (private VM) into private subnet Completed
0019 Networking Configure public IP EC2 instance for only RDP & ICMP external access Completed: config access from personal IP only (security group config).
0020 Networking Investigate: can pub & priv VMs comm freely? What is required? Completed: yes; custom sec group configured to allow all TCP, UDP, ICMP traffic from anywhere in VPC
0021 Networking Deploy NAT gateway for private subnet containing the private VM (see task 0018) Completed. Note: the NAT gateway MUST be in a public subnet!
0022 Networking Confirm Internet access from private EC2 instance Completed
0023 Networking Config private EC2 instance to allow RDP from any Completed
0024 Networking Investigate: can you RDP to private EC2 instance using NAT's public IP Completed: No!
0025 Networking Config DNAT on NAT gateway to redirect to private EC2 instance for RDP only NOT allowed (see here) - It's not like in Alibaba Cloud