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Task ID Category Description Status & Notes
0001 Deployment Create an Azure Windows VM, prep it for imaging with this command (use an elevated command prompt):
C:\windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /oobe /shutdown /generalize /mode:VM
Completed: Installed Acrobat, Chrome, Firefox, IIS, N++, WS Backup, 1 standard user
0002 Deployment Create a managed VM image and Deploy a VM from it. Completed
0003 Deployment Create a private "Azure Compute Gallery" to store VM images (from which to deploy standardized VMs). Completed
0004 Deployment 'Capture' the VM, and choose the option to share it to the gallery as an image version. Completed
0005 Deployment Create a VM from the private gallery; confirm functionality. Completed
0006 Networking Create a virtual network with 2 subnets (the default subnet, and an additional subnet). Repeat for a second region. Completed
0007 Networking Create network security groups: one for each region where a virtual network is deployed. Completed
0008 Networking Attach/associate the network security group (nsg) to the subnet Completed - Note: Only subnets and nsg's in the same region can be associated.
0009 Networking Configure each nsg ("Create a security rule") for incoming RDP access from a source of "My IP address" Completed
0010 Networking Configure VM: to use only the nsg attached to the subnet. Completed: required disassociating VM's network interface from all nsg's; then only the subnet's nsg applies.
0011 Networking Confirm the VM is using the nsg through the subnet association. Completed: access "Effective security rules" link from the VM's "Networking" section - OR - from the "Help" section of the nsg.
0012 Networking Internet-blocking, part 1: change the VM's subnet from the default subnet to the non-default subnet, and confirm Internet access. Completed.
0013 Networking Internet-blocking, part 2: Create and associate a second nsg (network security group) to the non-default subnet; then add rules to block inbound and outbound Internet access. Confirm loss of access. Completed. Video demo here.

Note: To "block" all traffic, specify "Any", "*" and "Custom" for Source/Destination (Any), Source/Destination port ranges (*), Service (custom), and Protocol (Any).
0014 Networking NAT Gateway, part 1: deploy* one to the non-default subnet. Use new resource group just for NAT GW.

*Deploying a NAT Gateway also known as "Migrating default outbound access".
Completed. More info: 1 and 2.

Note: Preliminary continous ping to an Internet host started timing out when the NAT Gateway setup was completed.
0015 Networking NAT Gateway, part 2: Remove/Delete* the NAT GW's resource group. Completed.

Note: Removal required disassociating & deleting the NAT GW's public IP, disassociating the subnet from the NAT GW from all subnets, deleting the NAT GW, then the NAT GW's resource group.
0016 Networking NAT Gateway, part 3: Configure DNAT (or SNAT) on NAT GW. NOT configurable on NAT GW, but available on the Azure Firewall and the Azure VPN Gateway (1, 2).
0017 Storage Add a data disk to VM and download data to the disk. Completed: 32GB data disk added.
0018 Storage Expand virtual disk attached to the VM, and update the OS volume's size. Completed: size increased to 40GB
0019 Storage Transfer a virtual data disk from one VM to another
(requires detach and attach operations).
Completed: no downtime required for either VM (since the virtual disk was not in-use).
0020 Storage Create virtual disk without a VM, then attach it to a VM Completed: disk created from "Disks" portal - configured for:
(a) no AZ, (b) no source type, and (c) "Disable public and private access"
0021 Snapshots Part 1: Create snapshots (3) of a VM - the first snapshot before any changes; the others, each after a change (changes = unique user accounts created before each snapshot) Completed.

Note: First snapshot had to be a "Full" one; subsequent ones were incremental snapshots.
0022 Snapshots Part 2: Restore/re-create a VM disk from each snapshot and recover the VM using each virtual disk, in turn Completed
0023 Snapshots Part 3: Delete virtual disks created from snapshots, then delete the snapshots, also. Completed
0023 Backup/Restore Backup a VM using Backup Center. Completed: custom backup policy created and used.
0024 Backup/Restore Execute a "File Recovery" restore of specific files. Completed.

Note: File Recovery can be executed using Backup center's "Backup instances" or the VM's "Backup" dashboards.
0025 Backup/Restore Perform a VM disk restore using the "Restore disks" Restore Type parameter. Completed.

Note: the Restore disks operation can also be executed using Backup center's "Backup instances" or the VM's "Backup" dashboards.
0026 Backup/Restore Restore a full VM using the "Create new virtual machine" Restore Type parameter. Completed.

Note: the a full VM can also be executed using Backup center's "Backup instances" or the VM's "Backup" dashboards.
0027 Backup/Restore Cleaup/delete resources used ('decomm' my Azure Backup footprint): Instructions here. Completed.

Note: The instructions references include 1, 2, and 3.